Small Group Training
$200 per session, Up to 12 people, $20 per extra person
Sacred Space instructors train your small group or leadership team in selected Sacred Space training modules. Sessions are approximately 3 hours each. Guide and Assessments provided.
Small Group Facilitators Training
3 sessions minimum, $200 per session*
Receive organization-wide training through a leaders-training-leaders model. Sacred Space instructors train your organization’s leaders to facilitate your organization’s small groups. Sessions are approximately 3 hours each. See training topics below.
$200 per session*
Topics include:
- Sacred Space training modules delivered in lecture format (see above)
- Themes from the Shack study guide
- Topics aligning with your event’s theme
Sacred Space Mentoring
$50 per 1-hour session
Cultivate a life of abiding, rest and authenticity through regular one-on-one mentorship by a certified Sacred Space mentor. Mentors assist participants in understanding and walking through the various kinds of space in their life: scared space, nice space and sacred space.
Your Healing Journey Retreat
Join an upcoming Your Healing Journey retreat become better acquainted with Sacred Space. Expect to encounter God in a setting of stunning beauty, great company and deep rest.